Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Prologue: An Unseen Enemy Part 4

The druid calls upon the earth itself and casts Entangle. Ivy branches that were climbing the side of the building innocuously suddenly spring to life and wrap around an invisible... something... that lets out an indignant squawk of surprise. The invisibility enchantment fades to reveal a struggling halfling, bound up completely by the ivy vine.

"Damn it!" the halfling shrieks. "Now you've gone and ruined EVERYTHING!"

From what you can see of the halfling, he has war paint marks in black under his eyes and is dressed all in black (though it is difficult to tell through the branches). As the branches entangle him, he drops a light crossbow that clatters to the ground.

Behind you, you can hear the guards arrive. "Surrender your weapons immediately, and no one will come to any harm." They begin to approach cautiously down the alley, with their longswords drawn.

The bound halfling stares up the alleyway at the armored guards and his head drops. "Oh, Szveth is going to have my head for this one..."