Thursday, November 6, 2008


The city of Kirstar is extremely busy. The sun has just risen over the horizon on the third day of winter, in the 451st year since the fall of the great Empire. The morning is seasonally comfortable, the first frost yet to set in.

In the harbor district of the city, great ships with their vast sails sit comfortably in the water, the water too choppy from the winds for anyone to set sail. There is a bit of a chill on the wind, and everyone is beginning to hunker down and start the long wait until the spring thaw comes to the southernmost portion of Yuloria.

Merchants and traders are beginning to fill the streets of the harbor, hawking their wares to the sailors who are stranded here until the winds die down. Many of those sailors are eager to return to the mainland, to where it is considerably warmer and less rain falls, and tensions are beginning to run high between the locals and the foreigners.

Narimar, Keik and Jaegle are spending the day in the harbor. There is a new ship due to come in today, though many fear it will be delayed by the sudden winds, from the elven kingdoms on the mainland, and another due in from the northern port city of Riane, both carrying important supplies and trade goods which are due to leave in a caravan at sunset, heading northward.

The Samhadi rogue, human druid and halfling fighter find themselves standing on the corner of Harbor Street and Long Street a few hours after sunrise. There is an elvish bard playing on the street corner, who is receiving small tips from many of the passerby due to his superb singing voice and fabulous tales of days long gone. Children run laughing and playing through the streets, ducking and weaving amongst the legs of horses and men. The day smells crisp and the salt from the sea is thick in the air. The noise is beginning to rise as merchants shout out to the passing sailors about their wares.

Through the gate to the west lies the trade district; an even livelier place of business and home to many fine establishments. Northward is the center city. Narimar, Keik and Jaegle, you've all arrived by ship only a few days before ((whether from another Yulorian city or from the mainland is up to you)) and you have lodgings established in the center city, at an inn known as the Singing Gull.

A strangled cry emits from an alley behind you.

((This is the only time I'll position your characters for you guys, I promise. We'll add more characters as we get character sheets -- we're still expecting Andy and Matt, and possibly Dave. For now, we'll just go ahead with the game and introduce the others as we go along. The world of Yuloria is yours, guys -- let's get going!)) -- ((This is no longer valid))

((EDIT #1: Okay, we've got three in by Monday night: Narimar (Samhadi Rogue), Keik (Human Druid, now w/killer dog action!) and Jaegle (Halfling Fighter). This is where we're starting, so have at!))


  1. Jaegle looks up at Narimar and Keik.
    "Did you hear that m'lads?"
    He fingers the hilt of his sword and looks to where the cry came from.
    ((Not sure if this is the sort of info you need or if the players should talk via email first and then enter what they do))

  2. ((Andy, you've got it exactly right. That's perfectly fine. When all three players have made their reaction to the initial post, I'll put up the next post and we'll go ahead from there.

    Kevin and Omar, go ahead and add your character reactions, and once we do I'll put up the next section!))

  3. Keik takes an instinctive step backwards while glancing upward.
    "Yes...I heard."

  4. There's a light in Jaegle's eyes, the kind he gets just before he's given the opportunity to draw his sword.
    "What think ye, Narimar?"

  5. "well", says Narimar, "I suppose m'thinks we ought to investigate, mmm?", smoothly drawing his sword as he heads toward the alley, scanning the street for watchers, both friendly and otherwise.

  6. "Okay...lead the way, friends." Keik prompts his war-dog to walk in front of him.


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